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Biennial Venice 2024


To coincide with the 60th International Art Exhibition, Berengo Foundation and Berengo Studio present GLASSTRESS 8½, curated by Umberto Croppi at the Berengo Art Space in Murano  and at Tesa 99 in the North Arsenale in Venice.


On view in Murano are about 30 new works by artists who have collaborated with Studio Berengo, including Monica Bonvicini, Chila Kumari Burman, Laure Prouvost, and Thomas Schütte, while at Tesa 99, a monumental work by Koen Vanmechelen and an installation by Sabine Wiedenhofer are on show.

Exhibition Details 


Fondazione Berengo Art Space

Campiello della Pescheria 4

20 April – 24 November 2024, hours: 10.00 -17.00. Closed Wednesday.

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